Smart Island Index
The creation of an island smartification and sustainabily’s index is one of the target of our project. The utility of a such index is the measurement of the achievement of each insular municipality towards its smartification. The smartification index may also play the role of an alarm for the municipality for the increasing number of problems without smart solutions. Concerning the index take in consideration the following parameters:
the number of sectors related with the “smart” solutions
the number of smart solutions in each sector
the percentage of the island ‘s surface that concern
the number of people that concern the solution/application
the influence in the well been of citizens and visitors (trying to take in consideration not only parameters which are related with the PNB but also with factors related with the overall happiness of people)
the number of unsolved problems in the island and their surface and number of people that infected as also the time that still unsolved
the size of the long term and no a short term vision of the smart solution or in other words the local sustainability of the proposed smart solution etc.